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The 1998 Aural Exam

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In the last issue, a specific approach to the Aural Exam was outlined. Before putting this technique to the ultimate test, the 1998 Aural Exam (the year of "the great tape panic"!), let us firstly recap on that approach.

1. Always read the instructions carefully. They may contain clues.
2. Next, read the questions, underlining keywords as you go along.
3. Now listen out for these words or related words in French on the tape. "Zoom in" when you hear them. Your answer is usually only seconds away on either side of these words.


You will now hear a radio interview with Claude Issora, a paralympic champion. The material will be played three times: first right through, then in three segments with pauses and finally, right through again.
1. What is Claude's handicap?
2. What event spurred Claude to begin training?
3. Write down two sources of income that Claude says he has.

Claude is a paralysed sportsman.

  • Question 1 asks us to name his handicap. Doubtlessly you will recognise the word "handicappé" when you hear it on the tape. Now use common sense. Think of physical disabilities. Think of paralysis. Think: arms, legs, illnesses and/or accidents which cause paralysis, etc. Think "bras", "jambes", "accident", "maladie". Listen out for illnesses which are similar to the words we use in English.

  • Question 2: Think of a possible event that might encourage someone to enter a sport professionally: "être bon/fort en...", "gagner", etc. Listen for the words "commencer", "entraînement" and "au sérieux". For "spurred", think of "encourager" and "se motiver".

  • The keyword in Question 3 is "income". Think of "argent", "finance", "monnaie". Use your common sense. He is (i) an athlete, and (ii) disabled. What sources of income would such people normally have? Think sponsorship, think "publicité", think grants, funds, etc. (The word for "grant" in French is "bourse", and if you hear it, it does sound close enough to the English word "bursor" to enlighten you!) Think, too, of competitions, prize money, etc (i.e. "concours", "prix").


    You will now hear an interview with the French actress Isabelle Adjani who will be present at the Cannes Film Festival.
    The material will be played three times: first right through, then in three segments with pauses and finally, right through again.
    1. Write down two points made by Gilles Jacob to persuade Isabelle Adjani to become President of the Festival jury.
    2. (a) What is Isabelle Adjani's attitude towards rules? (Two points)
    (b) Name one official evening function which Isabelle Adjani will attend.
    3 (i) What does Isabelle Adjani say about the extent of her film viewing?
    (ii) What type of British film does she admire?

    Cultural/gossipy knowledge! Adjani, who is known to be independent, headstrong and very "French" is famous for having had Daniel Day-Lewis's baby - after he "dumped her" over the phone! Cannes is a world famous French film festival - very prestigious!

  • Question 1: Gilles Jacob (whoever he is) seems to persuade her to become ("devenir") "le président". Why might this be so? Remember that it is an international festival hosted by the French. She is French. She is an actress. She is known internationally because of a link with an English-speaking actor!!

  • Question 2(a): The keyword is "règles". Attitudes are ususlly negative or positive. Listen for expressions of opinion or attitude (e.g. "je pense", "je trouve", "je suis d'accord", etc).

  • Question 2(b): The keyword is "function" ("...soirée", "évenement"). Think also of typical film festival functions: opening night, premiere, grand finale, awards ceremony, etc. Use common sense. Also listen for the verbs "aller" and "assister à".

  • Question 3(i): The keyword is "extent". Listen for indications of time and frequency (e.g. "une fois par semaine", "souvent", "rarement", "aussi souvent que possible", etc). Listen, too, for "film", "voir", "regarder", etc.

  • Question 3(ii): The keyword is "britannique". Also listen for "adorer", "aimer", etc. Think in terms of all those film genres you learnt off for your oral exam!!


    You will now hear an interview with Yvonne Knibiehler who has written a book on motherhood.
    The material will be played three times: first right through, then in four segments with pauses and finally, right through again.
    1 (a) Show in the spaces below how, after the war, young women differed from their mothers in their attitude to motherhood.
    (i) mothers' attitude
    (ii) young women's attitude
    (b) What civil right did French women acquire after the war?
    2. Mention two aspects of their life that caused resentment in women who worked outside the home.
    3. Write one point which Yvonne Knibiehler sees as a consequence of women's greater participation in education.
    4. Write two predictions that the speaker makes about motherhood in the Third Millenium.

    This was undoubtedly the most difficult section of the test. It was very speedy, but more importantly, it steered away from the normal type of question and asked a more broad, open-ended type of question. This is not characteristic of L.C. aurals but it can happen. In 1999 the questions were more traditional.

    This woman has written a book on "maternité".
  • Question 1(a): The keywords are "après la guerre", "jeunes femmes", "différent", "leurs mères". Use common sense. During the war, women had to think differently: shortage of men, food, fabric, etc!! This is historical knowledge. After the war, there was celebration and joy.

  • Question 1(b): The keywords are "droit civique", "obtenir", "recevoir", "après la guerre". Hmmm! Civic rights and women! Surely we're talking "le droit de vote". What else could it be?

  • Question 2: The keywords are "le ressentiment", "travailler à l'extérieur/en dehors de la maison". Use common sense. What aspects of life bother a working woman ("femme active")?

  • Question 3: The keywords are "l'enseignement", "les études", "l'université".

  • Question 4: The keywords are "prédire", "prédictions", "prévoir", "le 3ième millénaire".


    You will now hear an interview with André Rauch, a specialist on holidays. He speaks about recent opinion polls conducted among foreigners who had holidayed in France.
    The material will be played three times: first right through, then in four segments with pauses and finally, right through again.
    1. Mention one criticism made by foreign visitors.
    2. Mention one point André Rauch makes here when asked if tourists' criticisms are justified.
    3. How does André Rauch explain the present situation? (Two points)
    4. Give one example of foreign tourist behaviour patterns which can lead to unsatisfactory relations with the French.

    This French holiday specialist is talking about foreigners' attitudes to France and the French.
  • Question 1: The keyword is "critique/critiquer". Now use your head or even your own experience of the French!! What unfavourable characteristics are attributed to "les Français"? (I leave this up to you! I'm no xenophobe!! I particularly like the French!)
  • Question 2: The keywords are "justifier", "avoir raison/avoir tort" (to be right/wrong), "croire" (to believe), "incroyable" (unbelievable), "vrai/faux", etc.
  • Question 3: Listen for some kind of explanation for the behaviour of the French. The keywords are "expliquer", "la situation actuelle".
  • Question 4: Use common sense. What can tourists do to aggravate natives? Listen for words associated with relationships, especially negative ones like "Se disputer", "ignorer", "ne pas faire attention/un effort", etc. Keywords: "les rapports", "les relations".

    PART V

    You will now hear three news items from radio. Each item will be played twice.
    1 (i) Why are farmers said to be relieved?
    (ii) What do farmers predict about this year's wheat crop?
    (a) Yields will be greatly increased.
    (b) Yields will be slightly increased.
    (c) Yields will be average.
    (d) Yields will be reduced.
    2. What price range is given for these types of fruit?
    3. What is unique about Christine Janin's trip to the North Pole?

  • Question 1(i): The keywords are "fermiers", "agriculteurs", "soulager". Use common sense! When are farmers relieved? Think weather, money, etc. Poor farmers!
  • Question 1(ii): The keywords are "augmenter/hausser", "grand/petit/un peu", "moyen", "baisser/réduire/une réduction".
  • Question 2: The keywords are "prix" and "fruit". Listen for numbers in connection with francs. Revise numbers, percentages and fractions before the exam!
  • Question 3: A trip ("excursion/voyage/trajet") to the North Pole. What could make her trip so unique? A new record, a first-time success, etc? Listen extra carefully when keywords don't seem to help. Use common sense.

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