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Experiment 1


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  • Apparatus
  • Diagram
  • Method
  • Calculation
  • Graph
  • Conclusion
  • Precautions
  • Sources of Error

  • To show the effect of exercise on the rate of breathing.

    1. Count the number of breaths you take in one minute.

    2. Repeat twice more and get an average. This is your average resting breathing rate.

    3. Do some light exercise. Count the number of breaths you take in one minute.

    4. Rest and allow your breathing rate to return to normal each time before you exercise.

    5. Repeat step 3 and 4 twice more and get an average.

    6. Now do more vigorous exercise. Count the number of breaths you take in one minute.

    7. Repeat twice more and get an average.

    Result: Breathing rate increases with increased exercise.

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